At Howatt HR our mission is to promote mental health and prevent mental harm, our purpose is to foster growth as individuals, as a business and for our clients, and…
A person does not learn how to be negative with one thought; it comes from many days and many negative thoughts Being optimistic may not be that hard. Consider how…
Unwanted stress drains our battery; recharging is necessary Like physical fitness, mental fitness requires intention, and enhancing it requires motivation, action and accountability. There is no magic pill for mental…
The pandemic has changed how people socially interact Among its disruptions to many people’s normal lives, COVID-19 has challenged their social well-being — confidence in their ability to have access…
Overcoming self-stigma is the first step towards good mental health Have you had a time in your life when you felt overwhelmed and were not sure where or how to…
Engaging in this behaviour requires intention and awareness A common question from employers during the COVID-19 pandemic has been: “What do you suggest we do to help our employees with…
Obtaining an evidence-based baseline provides employers insight into a starting point One challenge some employers have is that their approach to mental health is inconsistent. They facilitate random acts of…
Before committing to a program, estimate cost of doing nothing Should we care about employees’ mental health? That is a question each employer must answer. It’s a simple yes or…
How well employees manage themselves under stress matters It is critically important when thinking about mental health to understand that it is not static. Much like the weather, it can…
The next wave of mental health prevention is mental fitness March of 2020 will go down in the history books as a critical date, as this was when the COVID-19…