Promote mental health within your organization with the support of Howatt HR.
We have provided employees and leaders with professional training in more than 200 organizations over the past 30 years. We pride ourselves on ensuring any speaker we provide is credible and has a proven academic and professional track record. We can deliver most programs in both official languages.
Core Areas We Speak On
Mental Fitness
We can speak on more than 100 topics to help leaders and employees develop knowledge and skills to cope with stress and learn how to spend more time flourishing than languishing.
We support leaders to become psychologically safe leaders and create psychologically safe teams. We have numerous programs to support leaders on topics such as managing a hybrid workforce, work demand, burnout, performance management, and inspiring trust. We are equipped to create customized leadership content and programs to meet employers’ needs and objectives.
Note: Through our commercial partners we provide executive/leadership and team coaching to learn more drop us a note.
Diversity & Inclusion
We have access to leading experts in diversity and inclusion who look at the workplace through a trauma-informed lens. We design curriculums and conduct workplace research. This helps us understand the role of diversity and inclusion in workers’ experience to discover how the workplace can reduce trauma, implicit bias, racism, and oppression. Research helps us discover the steps necessary for creating a workplace where all workers feel welcomed, valued, and understood.
Preparing professionals to facilitate workplace mental health/psychological safety
This training is for HR and OHS leaders, union representatives, and mental health committee members assigned to facilitate workplace mental health and psychological safety. This program is delivered regionally to a group of employers who send individuals or teams to enhance their workplace mental health-psychologically safe facilitators’ skill sets. We offer these workshops through associations and conference planners who approach Dr. Bill Howatt to lead them. Contact us to explore the kinds of programs we can offer this population via an in-person, half- or full-day event led by Dr. Howatt.
Coming Soon: Psycholgogcal Safe Facilators senate approved certificate in partnership with UNB check back April 2023.
How We Work With Clients
Exploration of program need
Book an appointment to discuss the target population, learning objectives, program length, virtual or live medium, and timeline. This will assist us in determining if we have something to propose from our inventory of programs or must create a unique program that meets your needs.
We provide a proposal that includes a program description, learning objectives, and suggested pre- and post-course recommendations to correct the forgetting curve and assist in habit development, program length, and budget. If accepted, we go to the last step in the model.
Preparation & delivery
We prepare a program, provide an opportunity for input and feedback, and package and prepare your event for delivery. All our speakers take pride in being prepared and ready to deliver a high-quality learning experience. Most all our programs will include follow-up resources to help maximize the opportunity for mastery and habit development.
Keynotes from Dr. Bill Howatt
For additional information on Dr. Bill Howatt’s speaking opportunities and most recent mental fitness books, please go to
View Dr. Bill's Speaker Reel
University course training opportunities created by Dr. Bill Howatt:
- The University of New Brunswick is Howatt HR’s academic partner for psychological health and safety. See the three senate-approved short courses for the Certificate in Psychologically Safe Leadership (CPSL).
- As well, Dr. Howatt through UNB has created additional trainings: Certificate in Management Essentials, Pathway to Coping and Mental Fitness short courses.